Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Fall 1938 Conference of Liturgical Society of St. James

The Fall Conference of the Liturgical Society of St. James met at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, 415 W. 145th St., New York City, on Monday and Tuesday, November 14 and 15. Beginning with choral matins, conducted by the undersigned, the conference heard a "Manual for a Women's Altar Guild" presented in his usually interesting style by Rev. Carl F. Wiedmann, M. A., of Woodcliff, N.J. "The Slavic Liturgy" was the topic presented by the Re. Paul Slavik, who, besides giving the fascinating details of its structure, also chanted various parts in the unique tones still maintained in the Lutheran Church of Slovakia. "A Study of the Collect" was presented by Rev. Martin Steege of East Rutherford, N.J., who traced the origin of many of the collects still in use among us back to the sixth century. The afternoon session was concluded by singing the Gregorian chants for the Eucharist under the leadership of Rev. Carl Bergen, of Leonia, N.J., precentor of the society.

The sessions of Tuesday morning were begun with a celebration of Holy Communion. The children's choir of St. Matthew's Lutheran School led the congregation in singing the Gregorian chants. The beauty and simplicity of these chants can best be appreciated when one hears them sung by such a group of fresh children's voices. The undersigned then read a paper on "The Liturgy for the Sunday-school," in which the basic aims and the materials suitable for such a liturgy were presented. The sessions were brought to a close by a paper on "The Origin and Development of the Church-year," read by Mr. Adolf Wismar, c.r.m.

Brooklyn, N.Y.
Walter C. Daib

The Lutheran Witness, Vol. 57, no. 25 (December 13, 1938), p. 429.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Forty Years Ago Today...

Forty years ago today – on February 1, 1975 – Concordia Seminary, Seminex, elected John Tietjen as its president.