Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Brief Instruction on Holy Communion (various translations compared)

Last week, this post offered the text of a "Brief Instruction on Holy Communion," as found in the early 20th-century Abridged Treasury of Prayers. A footnote noted that the 2005 Lutheran Book of Prayer included a version of this text with updated language, but that Confession and Absolution was inexplicably cut from the list of means of forgiveness. In case anyone is interested, the text from the relevant section is here offered from the German and from both English translations. The full text of the 2005 translation can be found online here.

Edit, 10/24/2015: The text from the 1956 revision of the Treasury of Prayers: Abridged has been added, as this is the first edition in which the means of grace was cut down from four to three. The Lutheran Book of Prayer, perhaps due to an editorial oversight, simply copied the number of means of forgiveness from the text of the 1956 revision.

Kleine Gebets-Schatz (c. 1890):

"Der liebreiche Gott hat viele und mancherlei Mittel gegeben, die armen Sünder der Vergebung ihrer Sünden gewiß zu machen. Solche Mittel sind die Predigt des Evangeliums, die heilige Taufe, die Absolution, und ein solches ist auch das heilige Abendmahl. Thue du nicht die vorwitzige Frage, warum Gott nicht ein, sondern vier Mittel gegeben habe, sondern danke vielmehr Gott, daß er so überreichlich dafür gesorgt hat, uns der Vergebung unserer Sünden theilhaftig, froh und gewiß zu machen."

Abridged Treasury of Prayers (c. 1906):

"God, rich in love, has provided a great diversity of means to render poor sinners certain of the forgiveness of their sins. These means are the preaching of the Gospel, Holy Baptism, Absolution, and also Holy Communion. Do not be too inquisitive in asking why God has instituted four means instead of one, for the purpose of conveying to us the forgiveness of our sin and making us sure and certain of this, but rather thank him for these rich provisions."

Treasury of Prayers: Abridged (1956):

"God, rich in love, has provided the means which poor sinners need to render them certain of the forgiveness of their sins. These means are the preaching of the Gospel, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion. Do not be sinfully inquisitive by asking why God has instituted three means instead of one for the purpose of conveying to us the forgiveness of our sins and making us sure and certain of this, but rather thank Him for these rich provisions."

Lutheran Book of Prayer (2005):

"God, rich in love, has provided the means that poor sinners need to render them certain of the forgiveness of their sins. These means are the preaching of the Gospel, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion. Do not be sinfully inquisitive, asking why God has instituted three means instead of one for the purpose of conveying to us the forgiveness of our sins and making us sure and certain of this, but rather thank Him for these rich provisions."

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