Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Service Book and Hymnal Recordings: Setting One

In 1945, a number of different American Lutheran synods came together to produce a new hymnal, one based upon the Common Service of 1888. After 13 years of labor, the Service Book and Hymnal was completed and published. It immediately became the hymnal of choice for the churches of the AELC, ALC, Augustana Synod, ELC, Finnish Suomi Synod, Lutheran Free Church, UELC, and ULCA (all of whom eventually ended up, through a series of mergers, in the ELCA). In order to help introduce the hymnal to these synods, a set of records was published, with recordings of each of the three settings of the Mass. The first setting, which is the focus of this post, consists mostly of Anglican chant, with some plainsong and Reformation-era chants added in as well. This setting would have been fairly familiar to most of the people first using the hymnal, as it was similar to the settings used in most of the SBH's predecessor hymnals (it is also very similar to pages 5 and 15 in TLH). Listen and enjoy (and many thanks to swedishlutheran for uploading these).

Invocation, Confession, Introit


Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Salutation, Collect

(end of the Epistle), Alleluia, Gospel

Lenten Response (not from the original records)

Offertory (Create in me a clean heart, O God)

Entire Communion Service (including a glorious Nunc Dimittis)

Stefan Gramenz has helpfully put together YouTube playlists for each setting in the SBH. The playlist for setting one can be found here.

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