Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Very Brief Introduction

Instead of a fancy introduction, I will be brief and to the point: I have decided to create this blog as a place for me to post articles, book excerpts, photos, and the like, of tidbits from (primarily) Lutheran history which I find either interesting or amusing. I add "primarily" because I am sure I will not post exclusively about Lutheran history, but will deviate and post some other things which I find interesting. At least for the time being, most, if not all, of the things which I post will not be original work. That may change as time goes by. Of course, I also may end up deleting this blog as time goes by, so really, all bets are off for the future of this blog. For now, though, I hope that you, dear reader (as the saying used to go), will find at least some of the things I post as interesting as I do.

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