Friday, November 7, 2014

The Augustana and Missouri Synods

"[I]n 1944 O.H. Pannkoke, a Lutheran leader and fundraiser, wrote to [President] Bersell [of the Augustana Synod], alarmed at Missouri plans for activity in post-war Europe, calling it: '...the biggest sectarian invasion of Europe, to build a greater Missouri Synod on the ruins, the despair, the tragedy and the confusion of the European Lutherans.' In January 1945 Bersell responded to him: 'As to your comments on Missouri, I sympathize with your point of view. I am getting pretty well fed up with the machinations of the Missouri outfit.'"

Mark Granquist, "The Augustana Synod and the Missouri Synod." Lutheran Quarterly 24, no. 1 (March 1, 2010): 57.

Edit,4/21/2015: It occurred to me that the short quote above would perhaps be more interesting if I were to add some details about O. H. Pannkoke. Pannkoke was born in Germany, and even attended the Gymnasium there, before moving to the United States and attending Concordia College, Milwaukee, WI. He then attended Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, graduating in 1908. Pannkoke served as a Missouri Synod pastor until being expelled from the clergy roster in 1920 for false doctrine, though he continued to remain in the Missouri Synod as a layman. In 1933, his wife sued him for divorce, which resulted in his expulsion from the LCMS congregation to which he belonged. He appealed to the Synod, which finally exonerated him in 1947.

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