Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Service Book and Hymnal Recordings: Setting Three

In 1945, a number of different American Lutheran synods came together to produce a new hymnal, one based upon the Common Service of 1888. After 13 years of labor, the Service Book and Hymnal was completed and published. It immediately became the hymnal of choice for the churches of the AELC, ALC, Augustana Synod, ELC, Finnish Suomi Synod, Lutheran Free Church, UELC, and ULCA (all of whom eventually ended up, through a series of mergers, in the ELCA). In order to help introduce the hymnal to these synods, a set of records was published, with recordings of each of the three settings of the Mass. The recordings for setting one and setting two have already been posted. The third setting, which is the focus of this post, uses the tunes of the ancient Missa Orbis Factor, as arranged by Ernest White. Due to space constraints, the third setting was printed separately from the hymnal and was consequently much less popular than the first two settings. Listen and enjoy (and many thanks to swedishlutheran for uploading these).

Invocation, Confession and Absolution, and Introit

Lenten Gloria Patri (not from the original records)

End of Introit (repeated), Kyrie, Gloria, Salutation, and Collect

Alleluia settings and Lenten Sentence (not from the original records)

Choral Alleluia and Verse, Holy Gospel, Nicene Creed (sung),
and Hymn ("Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty")

Entire Communion Service

As he did for SBH settings one and two, Stefan Gramenz put together a YouTube playlist for setting three. The playlist for setting three can be found here.

For the purpose of comparison, the following video contains the ordinary of the original, Latin Missa Orbis Factor:

Finally, if anyone knows where I might be able to get my hands on a set of the original LP recordings, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a comment below. I would like at some point to make high quality digital copies of the complete recordings if I am able.

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